Q: Are your parts 100% flawless?
A: No. we try our best to make every piece as close to perfect as possible. we do however have very high standards and will not ship out a part if we ourselves would not install on our personal vehicles. our goal at Fibercation is to provide high quality parts at reasonable prices.
Q: How do I get started with my parts?
A: We will need to see pictures of the parts you would like made, that way we can quote and go from there.
Q: How long does it take to make a part?
A: It depends on if it's a molded part (all carbon fiber) or an overlay (Oem part with CF over it). Molded parts have more time evolved, overlays are much faster to make. Shipping time back to you is also a factor. We understand that alot of the parts customers want done make there vehicles inoperable, that is why we try to produce parts as fast as we can without sacrificing quality.
Q: Are custom and special order items fully refundable?
A: No, unfortunately we can not offer exchanges or refunds of any kind on custom and special order items.
Q: Do I need to have my body kit pre-fitted before having it made carbon fiber?
A: Yes, all body kits and special order items MUST be pre-fitted prior to having it made carbon fiber.
Molded Parts______________ Overlaid Parts
cost more________________ cost less
weigh less________________ weigh slightly more than Oem
take more time to make______________ take less time to make
loss of Oem clips and fasteners_______________ retain Oem clips (no use of double si ded tape)